As a non-denominational preschool, Mushroom Family Learning Center receives no money from any outside organization. We work hard to keep our tuition affordable and rely on fundraising to supply our students with the things they use every day: crayons, paper, learning materials, toys and sand just to name a few. The Materials Fee helps the school prepare for the coming school year knowing that we already have the money to cover the cost of the materials our teachers need to keep their classrooms running and their students happy. Collecting this fee over the summer when families aren’t otherwise paying tuition is beneficial for our families because it helps spread the cost of attending preschool, and it’s beneficial for the school to have this money at hand when purchasing supplies for the upcoming school year. At Mushroom, each family has a responsibility to fundraise a certain amount of money, based on the class(es) their child(ren) are enrolled in. You may pay this up front and not participate in fundraising for the year, or you can participate in fundraiser at the beginning of the school year, as an opportunity to "work off" this amount. Please contact Director, Gina LIPKIN, for more information. ALL MATERIALS FEES, FUNDRAISING FEES, AND TUITION ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.